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My Current Travels

A Lakota story on finding strength in adversity.
The ancient Lakota hunter/warrior handcrafted his own bow from ask wood.  The strongest bows are made from dry well-seasoned wood.  There are two ways to aquire the kind of wood necessary.  The conventional way is to find a young ash tree of the proper height and width, harvest it, and let it dry and cure for at least five years. 
But, the hunter/warrior was always on the lookout for a mature ash tree that had been struck by lightening.  Such a tree had been cured and cured in an instant by the awesome power of lightening, and any bows made from it were by far the strongest.  Lightening-struck ash trees were rare, but they were preferred because they had suffered ultimate adversity, and ultimate adversity produces ultimate strength.

Such is life.

There seems to be one side of I that accepts and one side of I that denies.
I feel strongly.  I feel immersed in that which is subtle.  I feel the love, the energy, the healing, and the ability.  It seems wonderful, needed, on the fringe of divinity.  On the other side, there is a mental voice that dives in and questions the authority/Truth. 

There is nothing to fail at.  It is our own perception of what Is.  We can only defeat our selves or be defeated.  Either way is beauty. 
I am defeating my denial. 

Who Are You?
98% of our atoms are replaced annually.

March 2009
Let's Stop Celebrating Diversity and Start Celebrating Oneness!

I will be slowly moving north.  I wanted to go to Mexico.  But, I've been told over and over to wait because of danger.  It saddens me that I have a country that is mine.  Because of this I am not free.  I want no country. I want the world as my playground.  Let us play together across borders. 
Let's stop celebrating diversity.  Let's start celebrating oneness. 


I am thought.  It is not mine alone.  I is an other.  What if a piece of wood discovers its a violin?  What is it?  If brass wakes as a bugle, it is not its fault at all.  I am a spectator at the flowering of my thoughts and the blossoming of my soul: I watch it, I listen to it: I draw a bow across a string: a symphony stirs in the depths. None of these words are mine, or his.  Who is to say to whom these words and fruition belong.  Do not call my an author.  Thank you, Arthur.  I am a purveyor.  A witness.  I am a sailor on the sea of souls.  I am a diver of depths.  I embrace the unknown and walk toward discovering the I of I.  So, it is you.  You are an other and I am the wind that rustles your hair.  I love you. 

If You Could Understand Trees
50 years ago the world had 12.35 billion acres of forest.
Today it is less then 7 billion acres.

Companies such as Kleenex still use old growth forest for the production of tissue.
Stop blowing your nose on those old trees!

America has built over 350,000+ miles of roads in forests to accommodate logging.
65% of logging is performed illegally.

The world loses 40 million acres of forest each year with our current production.
31+ million of this is tropical rainforest.

'Trees are the Earth's endless effort to speak to the Heavens.'

I Am a Survivor of Commerce
I am a survivor against the will of science.  As we stand on the side of regrowth we must awaken those who would be taken by the end of what they stand still for.
Society abandons those who go without conformity.  They are forced to the outside which is more and more encroached upon by society.  You are society?  You are a murderer.  You hide behind your walls and do not let your brothers inside.  This will not due in these concrete jungles and suburbanite plateaus. 
How can one simply Be in this society?

Why I Walk
I am at peace and I am discontent.  This is why I walk.  Always with my eyes open on a vision that is always present.
You live for today, you say.  But, I ask, where do you find your peace?
I once saw mine in a cabin in British Columbia with two friends.  I now know I am young and envision my self in a home with a love and learning while looking toward that peace of mind.  This will fill my heart full of content.
That day will be perfect as all the rest.

Where are the Elders?
While sitting under a Banyon tree I reflected upon what a dear friend once asked me: Where are the elders that our mother's promised us?
"Respect your elders for they are wise.  Respect your elders for they have lived long lives, walked through many experiences and have embraced many truths."  Our mother's told us that the elders will be our role models, our teachers and our guides.
So, where are they?  Where are the wise old men and women? 
Sometimes, they seem more disgruntled then enlightened. 
Where are the wise ones that are beyond this youthful generation of blossoming guru's and saints?
It seems as though they hide behind closed doors. 
Maybe they do sit behind closed doors, humbled by this world in their old age, waiting restlessly for you to open them.

I am calling out for our wise elders.  Where are you?  Please, pass on your truth to us and to this world...
"The great events of world history are, at bottom, profoundly unimportant. In the last analysis, the essential thing is the life of the individual. This alone makes history, here alone do the great transformations first take place, and the whole future, the whole history of the world, ultimately spring as a gigantic summation from these hidden sources within individuals. In our most private and most subjective lives we are not only the passive witnesses of our age, and its sufferers, but its makers. We make our own epoch."
    -Carl Jung, Psychiatrist

The Given Way or the Free Way?
I am interested in what you can unfold on this topic...
Do we go through life finding who we are?
                Do we go through life creating who we are?

If I Were to Go Back To College...

When I last attended college I was developing my own major.  Indiana University has this wonderful program called the Individualized Major Program where one invents and/or tailors a major into something uniquiely ones own.  I was developing a major focused on integratation and holistic studies.  I have realized that I am not on of those to go after a specific profession.  I may never have a specialization.  I feel this is a good thing (that is to NOT be specialized).  To be well-rounded and integrated in a more total way is a blessing and allows for more growth.  So, I was developing a major that integrated religion, environmental studies, psychology, health, socialogy, therapy, art, and recreation.  (Soon, when I find my 15 page write up in Indiana, I will add it to this website).

But, if I were to go back to college, I would scratch this pursuit and focus on something much deeper:  ‘The Underground’.  I want my research to be effective, beneficial, and full of truth.  I want to find ways to expose what has been oppressed, supressed, buried, covered up and hidden in any and all way.  So often these underground truths are what this world needs!  Why are they covered up?  Usually because a few people in ‘power’ are trying to cover their own ass.  Come on now, check out the ‘alternative’ and how well it works.  The ‘alternative’ should not even be considered the ‘alternative.’  Refined food, the medical industry, laboratory science, the american education system, our government and the FDA, debt and our banking system, and established religion among so many other corrupt systems should be considered the ‘alternative.’  Why do we allow ourselves be puppets to these systems and why are we content to let them put our Truth in to shadows?  Wou’d not it be great if the medical industry was concerned about or health?  Would not it be great if religion was concerned with our contentment?  Would not it be great if the FDA was concerned about toxin-free food.  Would not it be great if the government was concerned about our freedom? 

A Green Evolution
A blog by Forest Berg
whom i met in ocean beach, CA in january of 2010


Everyone knows but they do not all embrace the thought within it.

ParadoxI want to get rid of want.

A Solution to the World's Problems
What does the world need?       What does the world want?
Let us integrate the two.

 Grow your own food!
It will make you smile!

I want to give everything that I am to the land that is my home. 


A Kountry of Kontrol Kalled Amerika

So here we are in a time of immense secrecy and control.  The government does not seem to be leading the way.  The government is a puppet to something much bigger, more powerful and more elusive.  The support of government (the face of changes in our country), is bought by various institutions outside, but still entwined, to its makings. 

Currently, the Government wants to pass several bills, persuaded by Monsanto, which may take agriculture (farming and gardening) down a dark road of no turning back.  HR 875, Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, is one bill that may eventually lead to the banning of organic farming.  The words of the bill are here

Or monitor the words and bill status here

Here are some other bills to research HR759, HR814, HR1105 & S.425 

This bill is backed by Monsanto.  No matter if the bill is passed or not, attention to Monsanto must be addressed.  They are one of the world’s largest chemical companies and they are leading and determining our agricultural industry!  Why would a chemical company be invested in agriculture?  It is because the food that is in the super markets is poison.  Monsanto works on chemicals to add to food being produced with the goal of being able to produce and sell more and more and more (and as a way to freely dispose of their toxic waste!).  They are not concerned with quality…only quantity…and money.  But, we can’t eat money.  And we shouldn’t be eating their food!  It is toxic.  Monsanto’s genetically engineers their seeds.  Corn mixed with human genes?  Monkey viruses?  See some of what you’re eating here

Monsanto is trying to patent every plant on earth.  To do this they alter one gene in the makings of the plant through genetic engineering.  Then they patent it.  This gives them total rights to the sales and distribution of the plant.  They have even sued farmers for growing their GE seeds when the seeds were only blown on to their land by the wind.  Most conscious farmers would want nothing to do with Monsanto.  But, they win every time.  And now the SWAT teams are joining their cause! 

Oh, it’s a scary world to be in.  Monsanto has the world’s largest seed cache.  They are hording all our natural, heirloom, organic seeds and turning them in to toxic monsters (or destroying them and replacing them with their terminator GE seeds).  These seeds only develop for one season and produce no seeds.  So, you have to keep coming back to Monsanto to buy more and more and more…and more.  This is all an act of control. 

If you feel you can do something about it… call 202 - 224 – 3121 with a senator in mind to ‘talk’ to (find a list of Senators here

Congress woman Delauro, who introduced one of these organic banning bills, is married to Stanley Greenberg (Greenberg Research).  Monsanto is one of his clients.

Oh, and several people in high ranking government positions either come from high positions from chemical companies like Monsanto or Dow or receive a position with these companies after their term in congress, senate, etc. 

Do you smell conspiracy? I smell something rotten. 

Even if these bills do not pass, this will be an ongoing pursuit for more control.  We have had a lot of scares lately…peanut butter, spinach, beef, etc.  These are not contaminated by organic gardening and farming.  These were the government/chemical companies doing, probably to install fear into the countries people so they can weasel their way in to more control (similar to how a war begins).  Stewart Parnell, President of the American Peanut Corp., which caused the recent salmonella outbreak, was on the USDA’s Peanut Standards Board. 

“If the USDA is so worried about “food safety” why did it, right now with the Omnibus Package, mandate only 1 inspection for about every 88 BILLION pounds of meat?  Why has the USDA cut it’s staff by about 8,000, with fewer inspections for slaughterhouses and meat packing plants, and MORE money towards raiding small farms and surveillance?”   (

The government should not have the position of securing the safety of our food, But our president Obama thinks so.  Check out some videos on (type in HR875) or watch

The FDA is not concerned with what is best, what is quality, or about our health and well-being.  They ‘advise’ medical doctors and other businesses what to sell/prescribe (and by not advising correctly, these people/business lose their licensing or worse).  The FDA is bought and sold just like other government corners.  Their focus is on money.

Take for instance the medical industry.  Oh, avoid the traditional western doctor and hospital if you can.  They are puppets of the large drug corporation.  These are synthetic drugs made in labs by the hand of man and only produced if and when it can make money.  The drug companies are not concerned with healing your problems but in receiving green paper called ’money’.  Most often, these drugs will only stabilize and carry on the problem so you have to continue to purchase these drugs so the company can make more and more and more…and more money.  This happens even when there is a much better and more effective natural remedy.  Most often the doctors are not taught the Alternative and if they know the Alternative they are silenced by institutional control.  (listen to synthetic drug commercials when the deep-voiced man quickly provides the side-effects - most of these drugs will kills you!).  

If you want an example of these doings and would like to learn a working and natural cure for cancer and many other things, look into the movie The Beautiful Truth or do some research on Gerson Therapy.

There are so many natural cures but the doctors can not recommend them because they are told what to sell by the drug companies.  If they recommend something beyond this they are risking the loss of their license. 

The dental industry is the same way.  A dentist cannot tell you that fluoride is bad for you (Hitler used it in the water as a mind control substance).  Oh by the way, it’s in most every cities water in the (un)united states.    Flouride may be the biggest cause of cancer. 

Look on your toothpaste tube.  ‘If swallowed seek medical attention/poison control immediately.’  Is this saying that our toothpaste is poison? 

A dentist risks losing his practice if he tells you that Amalgam fillings are bad for you.  Do you have one?  Find out.  They are filled with mercury and slowly releasing this deadly toxin in to your body. 

Dentist offices are filled with mercury.  You breathe it in when you visit for a checkup.  How do you feel the next couple of days after a dental check up?  Pretty down and sick? 

Dentists have one of the highest rates of infertility among all professions.  This is because they breathe in mercury all day long.  Don’t expect to live long if you get in to dentistry. 

I want to tell you all so much more but the FBI may be knocking at my door.



It's okay to take and reuse/redistribute good working items found in dumpsters and trash cans.

It's even better not to throw any of this away.


The Universe IS A Spiral: Theory of the SELF

Created by Aaron Pollitt, Charlie Reed, F. Max Walsh

download, enlarge & read text (click here) (& here)


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