As Life Grows Older It Gets Harder to Die My attachment to life expands As I grow old
I breathe this breath and continue And with each breath I become more invested
Each one of us has made a decision
Should I invest in a business suit or Some fancy jargon to win a war on words? Should I invest in the craft of cobbling or in anatomy And the control needed to weld broken skull and sew Ripped skin and tendon As if you are wrapping a wedding present.
Should I invest in planting trees and Give my self to mother earth?
Should one invest in the dynamics and Functioning of an atomic bomb, And save a nation?
Should I voice ‘hello’ to each Blossoming flower that Crosses my path?
Should I invest in a life of orders? Or the new blouse? Or the latest technological convenience?
What should one invest the Self in? Human life is brief, But while awake, A spirit plays and works in this temporal body. This may be the true Self, Hidden below the bright and flashing Lights of today.
Thus dawns the question: Who am I and what is my purpose?
I am a spirit in a human body
I am fighting I am at peace
I am conditioned by the light that Flash before my eyes I am fighting the nurtured unconscious mind I am the nurtured unconscious mind As I am All things
I live in a complex world I reach for simplicity
I run from fear Or I may open my mouth and eat it
I am One I am torn to pieces
I find peace in the security of home And in the mango softened on the tree.
Do Taoist’s Play Chess?
It does not matter where one finds peace Or where they are in discontentment, We are all beautiful Spirits resting briefly in this Human body.
The purpose of life is A question Few have come To rest In.
The purpose may be to awaken The resting spirit, All too often sedated Bruised and battered by the trampling of society.
It may be to allow the spirit to work and play.
When the spirit is roused One may ask; What is the purpose of One Self to be Alive In this world? (Before there was spirit, what could the purpose of life be but to be a pawn to the chessmen?)
Before there is purpose, we are Played or try to play others for our gain.
I played chess Was this my life’s purpose? I was good until virtue sat down and played.
The purpose of life may be to find What the spirit should invest in.
Should the spirit live the life of a puppeteer. Moving pawns, dominating, To continue his next breath?
Should the spirit give the Self To business and the trade markets Conveniences and disasters?
Should the spirit give the Self to Tahitian drumming, deep water diving, The training of horses, the mastering of the mind, or the perfect loaf of bread?
Should the spirit not invest the Self In anything at all And dance freely In the endless and unknown Depth of the Self?
May this be the true Taoist? He Stands There. He stands there and sees what they pass up blind He stands there and knows That they don’t know what he knows He stands there and thinks empty thoughts While they sit there and think of lies Only to fill up their emptiness in thought He goes his own Way While they lie there praying for guidance.
There's a Flower Growing Inside My Head Near the ocean on the dust we walk to find just what we must We swirl around in clouds and sun and come to find that we are One Climbing up the hillside knoll we look ahead to find our souls Upon the rock we tie our rope with two humbled hands that pray for hope We look above and then look below then lift our foot ever so slow On the rock we are sure to stand and climb toward heaven’s open hands.
Blissness In a watercolor blush Beneath the skies, In a dormant bliss So much beauty lies.
Mimic the chance to open the skies In full bliss. Walk in and dance to the melody of rose petals Falling gracefully. 
Let me fly. Let me touch the moon. Let my wings grow. Let my light grow. You Are Good Medicine
Your love is wildflower. The sun shines in my heart. Your love is my warmth. I am a blade of grass. You are my sun. There are galaxies in my eyes. Your love is an ocean. You water me. Your taste is bliss. I am lifted by your grace and peace. Floating. You are the purity of wind; dancing song. You are the sound of space; ancient loving roots. Your love is all around me. I am your love. I am love. Love. You are love, my love. Love, it is you I love. You fill me and lift me so high. Everything I touch is you. The scent of wildflower. | A Haiku For You She runs her fingers on my soul during a lecture. |
Real Eyes Realize Real Lies
-Epic Cafe bathroom, Tucson
Sunday Afternoon in June There is a beautiful woman painted beneath my eyelids There is a beautiful woman beside me in bed There is a beautiful woman with whom I play in my dreams There is a beautiful woman on my mind I think of you There is a beautiful woman in my soul I know it is you There is a beautiful woman on my lips I kiss her morning dew There is a beautiful woman her spirit is love and true. Reflections on Sound Watch out! I’m coming through Like a waterless ocean I am the ripples of the air Coming through for you To hear me.
The rooster coo’s While a distant tractor send vibrations into the earth And through your mind.
The birds and those birds And the many birds sing to me As a pen scratches And the rooster coo’s
Distant footsteps…
They might be my own, soul Two of them Trampling through rustled leaves
The fly buzzes in your ear and Sends winged vibrations to your soul Kisses the lobe And flies away Following its own Fading sound.
I dance so the rooster can sing and the leaves of the canopy can rustle in the wind that knows we are one when it howls and dances in the field where the tall grass sways to my ripple and taps it self to the vibration of an ancient heart beat.
And the rooster coo’s The frog is not far behind And the bugle is sounded Telling me that my meditation is over While I sit upon a rock And admire the beauty of all the individual sounds And find the wonder in the perfect composition Of the forest as a whole.
You're Pretty We are beautiful. What is beautiful? Is it a perch resting vibrant
bird, the flicker of a wick just lit in the breeze, the sky over
Honolulu? Is the music of leaves dancing to music and the man who sits
on plastic chair with cigarette in hand with his dry old tobacco being
relit beautiful? Is it this hand that writes, this smoke, this fire,
with its tobacco and chair and the music and the leaves and the breeze
and the city and the sky and the wick of th candle which shimmers in
the eye of the bird on the tree who gives its perch and the man who
gives his hand to these words All God All beautiful? What is
beautiful? We are beautiful. I kiss the Hawaiian Sun (and beauty falls upon my face) This is where the eyesight leaves and there are only the senses Where a warm January rains and it hits the skin in glory Where light upon light reflects in visions of static Where color is above the melting horizon And that color repeats itself in the sunlight In the clouds The beautiful mist Where color is an illusion Smiling This is where the sun is kissed And then kissed again in a moment of lust Only to be cooled by rain tearing down the left cheek of perfection This is where beauty Should not stand alone
…for what are we but other than our selves? For he who stands alone stands alone with every we.
Unsure Reality (A poem that I wrote in the 8th grade of schooling) Resting tonight on my starlit bedspread, A dream fantasy Of a reality I am still unsure of, Gazing out Into an endless ocean of stars, Looking for some truth or reason to cling to; Surreal moonlight angel Casting a warm friendly hand down upon me; Great watchdogs of the earth Firelight torches of freedom, Follow me and my trail of sorrow And in the end… Trust Will bleed out from these dark jungles of thoughts and secrets.
On Highway One Highway 1 is where the most beautiful scenes lie roadside Highway 1 is where the road edges a cliff falling 200 feet to the ocean surf Highway 1 no boundaries, no fences On highway 1 there is freedom
Highway 1 a kid is biking from Seattle to San Francisco Highway 1 a driver swerves around two baby deer Highway 1 fog gives you an illusionary perception Mist hits your face as your drive, as you walk, lay On highway 1 police are concerned about your sleep
In the morning of highway 1 it is magical The rising sun creates rayed walls Separating the road, field, tree Highway 1 where cows sunbathe cliffs edge The constant ocean surf pounding 200 feet below
Highway 1 where you are above the fog, below the fog, in the fog It is an ocean on top of an ocean
Highway 1 where the wealthy say ‘right on’ Highway 1 where my car thinks she’s a race car flying around corners Highway 1 I sit roadside on a beach a bird watched me as I try to find any possibility of capturing this moment On highway 1 beauty speaks for it self On highway 1 rock reaches out of the ocean like fallen gods reaching for the heavens.
What is to Give Light Must Endure Fire There are many who are conscious: they are self-aware and aware of the eternal. There are many who are conscious of the Universal: they are aware of the soul, I and I, the near depth of within. There are few who are conscious of the within: they hold hands with the man across the world. They hold hands with the woman across the Universe. They are those who show that all thought can be manifested into reality. They show that anything is possible. In order to prove that all is possible one must endure what most would think impossible. Only then would they believe.
 written for me in Berkeley, CA