Dedicated to the Advancement
Oh, God, Let me feel you. Let me be the Universe that I felt when I died beneath that tree, years ago. It is that connection and wholeness that I felt in death that I long for in Life. God, let me have it. Let me be you in every Way – Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Jesus, Krishna; let me be the Way. Open me to your Love and let me find you in every human being. Give your Self to them as well. I cannot reach them All. God, let us make this world the most beautiful reflection of what you Truly Are. Let us be everything …and more – always advancing beyond transcendence. Dissolve these distracted minds and let us connect on the deepest level and marvel at the Beauty. God, let my mind be so big that there is no beginning nor end but only the here and now. Allow me to do your work in All, Now. Let my arms feel as yours – stretching to the edge of the end that never ends – holding the infinites of the universe. God, allow for my attention to the mind to be moved to the heart and allow me to Love and to move my arms, with Love, toward healing Life. I feel you in the Natural. Your flow works through my feet and out my heart and shows through the actions of my hands. Doing your work, of Love, is when I feel most whole. In my strength, my attention rests gently on the action at hand, the intention and the blessings of We. God, let my focused attention to your work be so continual that my minds future and past drift away. Let us work together to allow Life to heal. I find your healing in your Nature. Let me feel you also in the concrete and the sewers and the automobile and the neon lights that shine so bright and blind my eyes. I LOVE. I AM. Let me love so deep that I cry and laugh and shiver in epileptic moments of realness. Then I will dance and play and sing and skip and be in Love, with you. God, allow me to be the Mother of All the Love that has ever been conceived. Give me your name and do not allow me to be called by another. Let me climb to the top of the tree and forget how I got there just to remember that I had to get closer to you. Let me be the daisy, below the tree, whose bright petals show till the last day of fall, yellow and bright like the sun. But, do not let me stop there. Let my roots grow so deep and close to those around me that I block the force of the early winter wind that once took away the beauty of my family. But, allow me to go deeper and be not only the daisy, but the wind which seems to oppose my True Nature. With out my Self, the wind, I cannot spread my Love. Oh God, let me have faith for you to pick me up and let me fly again. Let me have so much love in a feather lain detached that I pick it with finger and thumb and hold it so close that it becomes me. Or rather, I remember that it is me. God, stay with these feathers as I hold on to them with dreams to fly. Let me find so many that I climb to the top of the mountain of Truth and jump off only to soar higher on the wings of you.