Spreading consciousness like the seed of Johnny Apple.
There are no conditions to fulfill. there is nothing to be done, nothing to be given up. Just look and remember that you are beyond it.
Sit down on the earth, Straighten your spine toward the skies, tuck your chin, close your eyes, wake up!
We Are Boundless | "experience is a riverbed, its source hidden, forever flowing: its entrance, the root of the world, the way moved within it: draw upon it; it will not run dry." "The rearing serpent sports in the mists. The flying dragon rides on the clouds. But when the clouds are gone and the mists have cleared, They are no different from earthworms." -P. Thomas from the Shen Tzu Fragments. |
The Moment to Remember
Once upon a time life did not know Self as it does now. We, the totality of All life, did not know form, suffering or duality. If there were physical forms of mass, we were not born into it, as we are now seemingly imprisoned in bodies. Instead, We (the totality of All life) encompassed everything, at All times, in All things.
All energies were fluid and boundless and celebrated in a cosmic dance of freedoms and love through and in All things. There was no inside or outside. There was no me or you. There was not seperation and no distinction. We were All there was. There was only We.
There were no questions to ponder and no words to exchange. We were All knowing and All present. At this time when life was life and there was no death, we tasted sweet nectar, we inhaled dynamic universal breath, we heard our own being – the ancient vibration Ohm, we felt bliss and percieved only light. There was nothing more to be or experience, we were All there was. There was nothing more to understand, our mind was the one original All-knowing seed. There was nothing for to strive, we were blissful love. Duality would not have been known. There was only one entity, one movement, one love. We were whole.
You are my lotus’ sweet nectar.
You are my breath,
Aware of it Self.
I inhale you
And feel the ancient
Heart beat.
You are my vibration, my soul, the Ohm.
You are bliss.
You are light
I am you and you are me.
Not two.
Anything that can be done by love, which is everything, will be done for you.
My heart, my being and my soul rests in this once upon a time. It has not left us. Some only fail to remember. It is in you, too. You are aware. You are conscious. It is shown in your eyes and in your actions. I feel it in your embrace.
My ancient being welcomes you. Come in. The door is open. It leads you where ever you choose or are chosen. Do not fear. I and All things are with you.
This door may lead beyond this world (where metaphors exist). It may lead you through the universe to dynamic light or beyond the beyond to stillness. What you know is you. It is true. Do not fear your walking. You are good and you know your history. This will lead you to liberation. Now, may you see that All things, All of this, is Now. Today, you are free. You are under no impression, no desire and no control.
As we grow in this world we get closer to home. It is Now. It is the moment to rememeber. I have always loved you.
Consciousness, Penance, Truth and Home Better one's own dharma even if imperfect then another's dharma followed perfectly - bhagavad gita Abstraction | What is to Give Light Must Endure Fire Reincarnation Some day a tree will grow in this dirt and it will feed it self, leaf unto leaf. Painted by Irene Satala - Fort Wayne, Indiana "A little wave is bobbing along in the ocean, having a grand old time. He's enjoying the wind and fresh air — until he notices the other waves in front of him, crashing against the shore. ‘My God, this is terrible', the wave says ‘Look what is going to happen to me!' Then along comes another wave. It sees the first wave looking grim and says to him, ‘Why do you look so sad?' The first wave says, ‘You don't understand! We're all going to crash! All of us waves are going to be nothing! Isn't it terrible?' The second wave says, ‘No, you don't understand. You're not a wave, you're part of the ocean.' Beneath Abstraction There is a mystery, Beneath abstraction, Silent, depthless, Alone, unchanging, Ubiquitous and liquid, The mother of nature. It has no name, but I call it “the Way”; It has no limit, but I call it “limitless”. Being limitless, it flows away forever; Flowing away forever, it returns to my self; The Way is limitless, So nature is limitless, So the world is limitless, And so I am limitless. For I am abstracted from the world, The world from nature, Nature from the Way, And the Way from what is beneath abstraction. -Toa De Ching "Giving love to all, feeling the love of God, seeing His presence in everyone...that is the way to live in this world." |
"It is man's task to carry out the completion of the spiritualization of the Earth, a task at which all living creatures are at work,
each within the limits of its own particular development. And every human being who transforms himself from a
being identical with the body into a being reawakened in spirit, a divine being - identifying his consciousness with the divine self -
has fulfilled his duty. He has spiritualized a bit of the Earth. He has advanced by one step the salvation of the Earth.
Then he can co-operate as a helper in the salvation of other beings."
. . . "All energy, all forces of the universe, are movements which emanate from one point - their own centers -
and radiate in circular waves in all directions manifesting themselves as vibrations or oscillations.
These manifestations of force cease only when the forces that have got out of balance
regain their primordial state of equilibrium, the divine unity."
Elisabeth Haich
Photo taken in La Jolla, CA
| Ways to Use God: 1 2 3 Buddha Dharma Sangha Word Thought Deed Say Think Do Perfect Magnificent Effective Beautiful Good True I It/its We
Humanities Arts Social Science Spirit(ual) Intellect(ual) Emotion(al)
Energy Intelligence Substance
Energy Mind Form (matter) Being Eternal Awareness Motion Thought Feeling Id Ego Super-Ego I Love You
Spiritual Astral Physical
Conscious Subconscious Super-conscious
Art, Are, Asi That, Tvam Thou, You, Tat
Sattva Rajas Tamas
Knower knowledge Object of Knowledge
Tantra Mantra Yantra
Tejas Adhyayana Sadhana
Samatva Samadhi ?
Omnipresence Omniscient Omnibenevolence/Omnificent
Spirit Mind Body
Holy Spirit Son Father
God Loves You
Spirit Love Light
Subjective Perception Present Reality Objective Reality Religion Art Science
Romantic Quality Classic
Present Past Future
Toa Te (De) Ching
Motion Thought Feeling
Will Understand Feel
Dhyana Dharma Dharana
Samatva Samadhi ?
Faith ? Reason
Tejas Adhyayana Sadhana
Preservation Creation Destruction
The third (3) column happens when the first two (1 + 2) meet.
The third (3) column happens when one (1) becomes aware of two (2).
This is only a game in rhetoric and rhetoric creates duality.
Some believe in duality because it is our mythos and this is assumed to be true.
There is no 2 and there is no 3.
There is only one.
What is the One?
This list is fluid, It will change, It is not concrete. It is not Total or completely accurate. |